STD Monitor STD Registry Outbreak Alert! Burien, Washington: James Hagen

Outbreak Alert! Burien, Washington: James Hagen

Outbreak Alert! Burien, Washington: James Hagen

jamesI grew up with guy. We went to the same elementary school, middle school and high school. We have not talked in years after graduation, but one night I ran into him and we exchanged numbers. A couple of months later, we hang out and go a bar. Afterwards he asked if I wanted to go hang out and watch a movie at his house. I say yes because I grew up with him and thought I could trust(he still lives in the same house since elementary). So one thing leads to us having sex. After it, I asked him where the condom was and he said I told him not to put one on. Thats a fucking lie, I asked him to put one on in the beginning. I wasn’t wasted, but buzz and could remember the whole event. I went home and a month later I thought I had a really bad yeast infection, but it turned out to be herpes. I know James Hagen gave this to me because I always get tested after a relationship. And had recently gotten tested 3 months before James and I was clear. I was super careful with whoever I slept with, shit James was the 6th person I slept with. Anyways I could have taken to court and sued him because my medical files prove that he was the corporate, but I was too embarrassed. I thought I could trust this guy since I grew up with him, but I was so very wrong. It was like he purposely gave this to me. I felt like(still do) that I will never find love because of this curse that James Hagen gave to me. I ran into him a couple of months later and confronted him about it and I did it rather nicely, but he just kept walking away saying that it must have been a guy I just slept with, but I yelled back to him that he was the last guy I slept with it has been 5 months since the act. I believe in KARMA and its coming his way! #jameshagen #genitalherpes #burien #washington

Published at Thu, 27 Feb 2020 07:25:31 GMT

By UnfortunateGurl120615

Source: Outbreak Alert! Burien, Washington: James Hagen


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