Nick Zaherevitz, HIV and AIDS in ft. lauterdale, Florida one of my friends dajana became infected after hooking up with him and he did not tell her he was infected
Reports of people with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) posts online by users as warning for potential sexual partners. Content in this category is sourced exclusively from the original STD Registry.
Content from imitation registries may be found in the website monitoring section of this site.
Nick Zaherevitz, HIV and AIDS in ft. lauterdale, Florida one of my friends dajana became infected after hooking up with him and he did not tell her he was infected
Alyssa Stein, Genital Herpes in West Orange, New Jersey She advertises it herself online #alyssastein #genitalherpes #westorange #newjersey Published at Mon, 03 Nov 2008 22:01:32 GMT By AnonymousUser Source: Alyssa
Bethany Maha, Genital Herpes in richmond, Virginia They got it from me. #bethanymaha #genitalherpes #richmond #virginia Published at Mon, 03 Nov 2008 21:15:52 GMT By AnonymousUser Source: Bethany Maha, Genital
Michelle Miller, Genital Herpes in richmond, Virginia They got it from me. #michellemiller #genitalherpes #richmond #virginia Published at Mon, 03 Nov 2008 21:16:22 GMT By AnonymousUser Source: Michelle Miller, Genital
Connie Hines, Genital Herpes in Pensacola, Florida I married a girl that has Genital Herpes. She did not tell me for over two years. During our depositions (which is public
Julie Wilson, Genital Herpes in Sammamish, Washington Has genital herpes #juliewilson #genitalherpes #sammamish #washington Published at Mon, 03 Nov 2008 19:52:43 GMT By AnonymousUser Source: Julie Wilson, Genital Herpes in
wendy kincaid, Genital Warts in galion, Ohio She gave it to me #wendykincaid #genitalwarts #galion #ohio Published at Mon, 03 Nov 2008 16:06:19 GMT By AnonymousUser Source: wendy kincaid, Genital
Shatara Phillips-Wooding , HIV and AIDS in Houston, Texas Very vengful person who is out to hurt as many people as possible beware of this female this posting is 100%
Chris Drake, Genital Warts in mattituck, New York i made him show me his medical records about 3 weeks after we had sex, and he was positive for Genital Warts
Dorothy Ferguson Leonardi, HPV in Middletown, Delaware To protect innocent men. #dorothyfergusonleonardi #hpv #middletown #delaware Published at Mon, 03 Nov 2008 14:57:51 GMT By AnonymousUser Source: Dorothy Ferguson Leonardi, HPV