STD Monitor STD Registry Outbreak Alert! Kyle , Texas: Sue Ellen Mang

Outbreak Alert! Kyle , Texas: Sue Ellen Mang


Had sex with her after meeting on bumble. Found out I had herpes later. After feeling sick and noticed some tingling on my dick. Went to get tested. Came back positive. My lab work came back negative but the culture that was taken from my dick was positive. She was the only one I had sex with. #sueellenmang #genitalherpes #kyle #texas

Source: Outbreak Alert! Kyle , Texas: Sue Ellen Mang


6 thoughts on “Outbreak Alert! Kyle , Texas: Sue Ellen Mang”

  1. She has actively gone on dating sites each day to hook up with one night stands having un protected sex and giving them herpes. Over 50 guys she had passed it on to already.

  2. This post sounds like a scorned lover. Lol. I know her personally and this is just not true.

  3. Oh shit I messed with this girl one time and only one time. Her pussy was terrible. I used a condom but I guess I need to get checked out now.

  4. Y’all are the same person. I know her very well. Y’all are just a bunch of losers who got turned down. lol. Yes I think this is hilarious!! 😂


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