Madaline Higgins, Hepatitis C in Bronx, New York Rapist. Prostitute. Liar. Has criminal history of theft, manipulates and spreads rumors. #madalinehiggins #hepatitisc #bronx #newyork Published at Sun, 04 Jan 2009
Madaline Higgins, Hepatitis C in Bronx, New York Rapist. Prostitute. Liar. Has criminal history of theft, manipulates and spreads rumors. #madalinehiggins #hepatitisc #bronx #newyork Published at Sun, 04 Jan 2009
Justin Wagner, HPV in Cleveland, Ohio Friend just found out she has HPV ans she was with Justin, he did not use a condom #justinwagner #hpv #cleveland #ohio Published at
Marcus Benjamin Vanderfeltz, HPV in Jefferson City, Missouri He has contracted HPV from an ex girlfriend. #marcusbenjaminvanderfeltz #hpv #jeffersoncity #missouri Published at Fri, 02 Jan 2009 19:04:11 GMT By AnonymousUser
Dwayne Christopher Spivey, Genital Herpes in Portland, Oregon friend picked up the disease from him he refused to use condon and/or get tested #dwaynechristopherspivey #genitalherpes #portland #oregon Published at Fri,
Syed Hasan Abbas, HIV and AIDS in San Jose, California He’s was a friend of mine, but he told me had unprocted sex with prostitues since 8/10/2006. He found out
Zoe Johnson, Hepatitis C in San Antonio, Texas Not sure exactly where Zoe currently resides, but we hooked up in Washington and she told me she was visiting. She’s also
Adria TaylorMixon, Genital Herpes in Burlington, Washington Drinks a lot and just doesn’t care to share it with someone befor getting with some one. #adriataylormixon #genitalherpes #burlington #washington Published at
stewart bradley, Genital Herpes in unknown, Virginia friend picked up the disease from him #stewartbradley #genitalherpes #unknown #virginia Published at Tue, 30 Dec 2008 01:20:56 GMT By AnonymousUser Source: stewart
Debra DeVera, Genital Herpes in Jacksonville, Florida Postal Worker with multiple partners failed to disclose Herpes infection #debradevera #genitalherpes #jacksonville #florida Published at Mon, 29 Dec 2008 11:12:51 GMT By
Holly Thomas, Genital Warts in New Freedom, Pennsylvania She was a partner of mine. Clinically diagnosed sex addict. Cheated within monogomous relationship. Caught her a few times with multiple partners