STD Monitor News I Saw You | I Saw You | Spokane | The Pacific Northwest Inlander

I Saw You | I Saw You | Spokane | The Pacific Northwest Inlander

I Saw You

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STD TESTING, FOR FUNSIES: Hi Nina. I know we have never met, but we have someone in common. I saw your text to my boyfriend Jeff P. this weekend. *Now ex-boyfriend. He is legit the worst boyfriend/person/man/father that I have ever and never wanted to meet, and I have no idea why I continue to sabotage myself by continuing to spend time with him. I want you to know that getting tested for an STD is highly recommended as he is the only person I have been with for the last two years. Sadly I was the only genuine person in our committed relationship. Just thought I would let you know since it appears you two still have something there. And hey, I am not here to judge, maybe you’re meant for each other. I highly recommend getting tested for STDs simply for the fact that you have ever met Jeff at all. Take care.

BESTIE: Sixteenish years ago you walked into my life. As dumb teenagers we had many ups and downs, but no matter what we always wind up side by side. You’re an amazing man. I admire how deeply you care, how much effort you put into the meaningful moments. I love how much my kids adore you. With the uncertainty of each day there’s one thing that’ll never change: I’ll always be by your side. I love you. I hope you put the “new” playlist on and smile as I do.

YOU PROPOSED USING A RINGPOP: I am a decade late, but I have had that much time to think and think… and think again, the way everything went down and how unfair I was to the beautiful ways you were trying to tell me “I love you.” Flowers sent to my English class with the most unforgettable note attached that read “JUST BECAUSE.” If I could have had the faith required in myself to understand how much you really cared and loved me I would have been able to accept and say to you back. I undeniably love and appreciate you too. One of my only real examples of how I deserve to be treated and I’m sorry I was not strong enough to really grasp how beautiful we were … you were. I am so happy for everything you gave me because my life has not provided anything that exceptional from love that could compare; I won’t let it. You were the best I will ever have the blessing to have had. It helps me smile when every part of my life is shattering. Still. I’ll always believe in second chances… hopefully I get a chance to tell you in person. If life decides to make a way. So thank you for being the difference in my life. Then, now and always.


CHRISTMAS FLOWERS AT COSTCO: I had a beautiful bouquet of Christmas flowers left on the windshield of my Chevy pickup on Friday, 12/23/22, at the Costco in Spokane Valley. So, I wanted to send a huge thank-you to whoever this kind stranger was. It was so unexpected and was so much appreciated after being in the Costco rush that day. I don’t think I quit smiling the whole day after that. So, thank you for making my day. There needs to be more integrity and kind souls like you in the world. Spokane is pretty darn amazing. šŸ™‚

ENDANGERED CHILD: On Jan. 4, a nonverbal, terrified child, probably 5 years old, was running frantically down Monroe in nothing but a pull-up and a jacket. Cheers to the two cars who blocked the lanes and put their hazards on. Cheers to the woman who was chasing him down, the two men who stepped in, who came to help us restrain the child and brought clothes for warmth. Cheers to one of the men’s spouses for bringing their young (also nonverbal) son over to help calm the kiddo down. Big f***ing jeers to the people who kept speeding around the obvious emergency situation, instead of just waiting OR going around on a different road. Jeers to the folks who sped by urgently and rather than helping, actively threatened the safety of that child. I am so thankful that I got to give his mom a big hug when she got him back safely, and that she was sobbing tears of gratitude into my shoulder, and not grief. Absolutely horrifying situation, and I’m grateful for the good, kind folks who stepped in to help. And to the folks who acted selfishly and recklessly, I hope all of your tires go flat, you get a terrible case of diarrhea, and that you’re never in such a desperate situation where you need genuine assistance.

HELPED ME HOME: Today I was headed across the street. Stepped across the ice berm at the edge of road but slipped on gravel in road. I am 72 and walk with a cane. I could not get up. A wonderful lady pulled her car over helped me up and walked me to my apartment. I did not get her name and want her to know how much I appreciate her kindness.

RE: OFFICIAL STORY: Oh my! The writer who stated something about someday we will all notice “sponsorship by Pfizer” is absolutely brilliant! Here is the truth. They won’t. They still think SARS-Cov2 is the first virus of it’s class. We Americans have been misled by the same mentality that gave us “Iraq such as….some countries don’t have maps.” Some countries don’t have intelligence either. The US, or at least parts of it, have shown that in spades. The last few years have been a sham. Wake up, people. This isn’t a Twilight Zone episode.


YELLING AT OFF-LEASH DOG: I agree with part of your post. The out-of-state transplant, in your words, shouldn’t have yelled at your dog. You should have been yelled at. News alert: Most public places require you to leash your dog. Sounds like you dont comprehend why that is or are too self-centered to think of other people and dogs. I have no idea if your dog is friendly or not and constantly have to worry about unleashed dogs coming upon my leashed ones. You’re right: Dogs like to chase squirrels, but can also disrupt wildlife.

DRIVERS VS. CROSSWALKS: When you go to driving school or learn how to drive, do they teach you about crosswalks and what that little white man on a red light means? Because you’d swear half of Spokane thinks it means “aim for these.” I watch the crosswalks and the signs and begin to cross when a car doesn’t move, but time and time again they speed up again. And what’s their excuse? Every single one of these idiots have been on their phones. I’m sorry, Karen, but someone’s life is more important than contacting your friend about that new fancy grill or whatever. Wanna meet for dinner with your friend? Do they have to know THAT MINUTE? Or is some asteroid going to come wipe us out before you send that text? No? Then hang it up and drive. Are they giving honorary driver’s licenses to people now? Is that why some of you don’t know that walk sign is for people walking and not a morbid game of frogger? Get. Off. Your. Phones. It’s as bad as driving while intoxicated and when you are too tired. Takes three seconds to hit someone, bud, and the rest of your life becomes hell (for those of you who don’t care about others but just yourselves, because when I make it about valuing your life over everyone else’s, tends to get you to listen).

SAME NEWS EVERY NIGHT: Jeers to the local news reporting the same stories every night. First we hear for months about how many people are contracting SARS-CoV2. Despite the fact it’s still circulating as well as two other prominent viruses, now we hear every night the same stories about Moscow instead. What fools the local media are to keep it up. Move to real news. That story doesn’t have any new news yet. Boring.

RE: TRAILS: Regarding the message about homeless people littering trails last week, I hate to tell you but that’s the culture of Spokane. People tolerate those people and allow them to own those spaces. Nobody is going to do anything about it. Give them your money as they beg for it outside every store and on the streets and stop using the trails. Exercise down the middle of the street instead. The so-called homeless don’t use that part of the city. They just occupy state land, whether it be along the river or elsewhere. So long, Ozzie. At least he tried. Spokane didn’t help him.

SPOKANE HAS A BAD REPUTATION… …Because the people in it don’t rep the city or the lives they live in a way that can raise awareness to Spokane and the potential we have yet to raise up to it. Spokane is the city people dream about living in; manifest your desires and watch the land repay your faith.

THAT BURNT LOOK: What is with the seemingly popular paint color of dark, dark charcoal ā€” almost black? More & more businesses & even houses are being painted that dull, dreary tone. Why are you trying for that burnt look? Spokane burned down once in 1889. Are you trying to recreate that scene? It is depressing to see these places. Why don’t you paint some flames or glowing embers on the walls while you’re at it? ā™¦

Discovered on: 2023-01-12 01:30:00

Source: I Saw You | I Saw You | Spokane | The Pacific Northwest Inlander


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