Michael Coppola / DJ COPPOLA is a liar, cheater, and an all around piece of garbage person. He has sex with men & women. He tells them all lies that they want to hear then screws them over. He is a restaurant manager for an Italian restaurant and is also a DJ. Its rumored that he has herpes from his numerous sexual encounters. A female has claimed she got herpes from him. He pretends to be this decent person and then proves himself to be a MONSTER not long after. He currently is in a relationship with a female, but before this, he was in a long-term relationship with a man. He has been exposed in the past, but people should really be very careful. Dont do anything sexual with him unless you want to catch something you cant get rid of. #michaelcoppoladjcoppola #genitalherpes #ftlauderdale #florida
Source: Outbreak Alert! Ft. Lauderdale, Florida: Michael Coppola DJ COPPOLA
Outbreak Alert! Ft. Lauderdale, Florida: Michael Coppola DJ COPPOLA
