STD Monitor STD Registry Outbreak Alert! Los Angeles, California: Grace Morgan

Outbreak Alert! Los Angeles, California: Grace Morgan

Outbreak Alert! Los Angeles, California: Grace Morgan

graceSomeone going by the name of Grace Morgan commented on one of our social media pages that some miracle doctor cured her incurable STD (Herpes). She is the latest in a string of spammy social media users trying to sell fake cures for STDs by admitting to having an incurable condition, crediting some miracle herb with curing it, and directing you to where you can purchase the same so called cure.

Grace Morgan’s profile does not say much about her. Just that she claims to be in the United States, so we are listing Los Angeles, California as a random highly populated area she could be in because city and state are required fields on the Report a STD Carrier form. Other required fields with guesses as to their value include height, weight, and age. #gracemorgan #genitalherpes #losangeles #california

Published at Thu, 05 Mar 2020 19:50:26 GMT


Source: Outbreak Alert! Los Angeles, California: Grace Morgan


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