
Removal Options

Removal Options

We generally support two types of removal options depending on where the content in question is sourced from. If the content is from or some other domain under our control then we recommend working with Post Almost Anything Reputation Improvement Services (PAARIS). If the content is from a site which we do not control then you can delete the copy from STD Monitor instantly using PayDelete.


STD Monitor is owned and operated by the same people that are currently developing At one point, we realized that STD Monitor needed a removal service for content not linked to STD Carriers, but we did not have one and our development team PayDelete did not exist yet. In the interim we decided to modify the Silver Package available as part of Post Almost Anything Reputation Improvement Services (PAARIS) so that it could include the removal of pages from STD Monitor. We did that by classifying the content of STD Monitor as “Duplicate Content” because STD Monitor is a search engine/web archive featuring only duplicate content with the exception of comments posted below the content.
Reputation Management Services

PAARIS Silver Reputation Management Services Chart

Learn More:
Post Almost Anything Reputation Improvement Services (PAARIS)
PAARIS Silver Package
Unfortunately, PAARIS was not designed for sites like STD Monitor unless the content in question is from an original content site in our network like STD Carriers. When the original content is posted on STD Carriers and someone purchases search engine blocking as part of PAARIS Gold they automatically receive all the benefits of PAARIS Silver which includes removing duplicate posts from STD Monitor. One could elect to purchase PAARIS Silver in order to remove a post from the STD Registry section of this website, but that would result in the source article still being live on STD Carriers, so doing just that is not ideal. PAARIS was designed for original content sites like STD Carriers where author mediation is available and we are in a position to bury negative articles at their source entirely on our own. By modifying PAARIS Silver we are able to offer removal options for content in the Social Monitoring and STD News sections of STD Monitor before our automated solution was developed.

Dead Link Removal

– All posts in the STD Registry category from feature a button that once clicked will check to see if the source URL still contains a live report. If the report is no longer live on then any post on this site linking to it as the source will be remove automatically. Look for a button that says “Remove Post” located beneath the featured image on the page.
– If you are the author of an original report on, but have made changes and want to get rid of outdated information on STD Monitor without deleting the current report on STD Carriers, you can temporarily deactivate the live report on STD Carriers and click the “Remove Post” button on the copy to get rid of it. Then you can re-activate your report on STD Carriers. At that point the only version of that report on either site will be your most recent version.


The aforementioned dead link removal button is the result the PayDelete Plugin for WordPress which allows us to choose which categories support PayDelete and which do not. For all categories other STD Registry the only removal option is usually PayDelete. PayDelete was developed to reduce costs associated with responding to removal requests manually. Without PayDelete we would have to charge hundreds of dollars per removal to cover the costs associated with having to interact with people. By cutting the human element out of the equation for the most part we are able to pass that saving on to you.

To use PayDelete just look for the PayDelete button below on the page you want to remove. Click the button to confirm your order on the PayDelete website. Then you will be taken to a leading third party payment gateway to complete your purchase.

When payment is complete our system should be notified in a matter of seconds and the URL in question should return a 404 error. In rare cases we have had to complete the removal ourselves due to technical difficulties. If you can still find the content in question at URL you purchased the removal for after a few minutes contact us.

NOTE: PayDelete must be clicked on the page you want removed and only that page. If you don’t see PayDelete on a page you want removed DO NOT use it on a different page. This one time a guy featured on STD Carriers purchased the removal of a news article only to demand the removal of the content from STD Carriers on the grounds that he had just used PayDelete. Then he had the audacity to demand a refund when we offered to credit it towards the purchase of a PAARIS Silver Package. Our position in such cases is that if you purchase the removal of a page and that page is removed then that is it. Whether you purchase the removal of the right page or not is your problem.

Bulk Jobs with Prophylactics

We delete items with duplicate titles in bulk using a third party plugin from time to time. We intent to repeat the process periodically. If there are a bunch of items about you with duplicate titles there probably will not be for long. This process typically removes all but one copy.

STD Monitor is a search engine and web archive that aggregates content from a variety of sources. Sometimes users post identical or strikingly similar items about the same subjects on more than one website. Those subjects may find multiple items about themselves on STD Monitor. In such cases it often does not make sense to charge the same person or organization the same rate. In an effort to keep removal affordable we offer bulk discounts, but keep in mind that affordability takes time due to human resource requirements on our end. We provide bulk removal quotes through two types of channels.

Contact Us Directly

If you are only trying to remove content from STD Monitor then you might want to contact us directly for a quote. Time permitting we may even do bulk jobs for the price of one provided there are not many items. We don’t want to guarantee anything at this point because we don’t want to be contractually bound to time constraints, but our goal is to generate revenue on a per customer basis as opposed to a per item basis. If there are more than 10 items we may charge more and if there are so many items that removing them would require considerable time we will certainly charge more.

Cross Domain Deals

In some cases you may find content you want removed on more than one website that uses PayDelete. This is not by design, but the possibility remains that the filters we have in place for cross domain categorization could fail. Ideally, a niche site like STD Monitor should only aggregate content relevant to STDs in some way while other sites in our network blacklist anything related to STDs at all in an effort to make sure that STD related content is quarantined to this site.

Third Party Services

Our organization has worked with third party reputation management services to help find affordable solutions for their clients in the past. Such services operate by establishing working relationships with webmasters so that their clients can remove items from as many sites as possible. We began working with them after they reached out to us on behalf of their clients.

If you own or work for a different reputation management company and would like to establish a working relationship contact us.

Prophylactic Measures

STD Monitor offers prophylactic measures to decrease the likelihood of your name appearing on this site in the future as part of any bulk job. We will attempt to block unique text sequences likely to be detected in future items mentioning the same customer provided that the text being blocked is not so generic that it would likely block a lot of unrelated items. Text sequences like the name of a person, a business, or some other identifier unique to the customer or the content removed.

We do not advertise prophylactics with single post removals due to the automated nature of the PayDelete plugin. Prophylactic measures require human resources, so we do not want to make any guarantees that would force us to drop what we are doing every time someone uses PayDelete. That would defeat the purpose of improving efficiency through automation, but we also prefer that the STD Monitor bot not pick up the same content in the future, so if you are a PayDelete customer feel free to contact us with a request.

Think of our prophylactics like condoms for your reputation. They will probably keep you safe, but they can break. Keyword blacklists can fail. If we have previously blacklisted anything for you and it does not work contact us. We will try to address the issue within a reasonable time frame.


If the option you are hoping for is not included above it might be for reasons outlined below:

Are You Claiming a Statement is False?

If so, remember that the purpose of STD Monitor is to document indications that someone might be admitting to having a STD or accusing someone else of having one. Any item caught up in that sweep is at worst an accurate observation made by an unbiased machine. To say that no one posted such things would be a false statement, so to accuse us of false statements based on the observations of a machine would be a false accusation. 

Every time the STD Monitor bot documents a false statement made elsewhere on the internet it essentially make a truthful statement of its own. That truthful statement is that a statement was made by another. When the statement of another if found to be false, that does not change the fact that stating that the statement was made will always be a true statement.

Do You Have a Court Order?

Then get another one ordering whoever is responsible for creating the content in question originally to use PayDelete, buy you a PAARIS Silver Package or use another option described above. If we wanted to waste money paying people to open mail regularly we wouldn’t use offshore data centers. If you are not in the host country and you want us to do something with a computer that nobody else in our country can do then there are conditions. Those conditions are necessary so that nobody can increase our workload by sending us paperwork.

We do have a cue of emails from our contact form, but that is about it as far as checking for messages related to this site unless that message is one of a payment received sent to a different email address. In those cases we check to make sure the removal worked. That level of service would not be possible without removal fees. If we didn’t charge removal fees we wouldn’t respond at all. We would just leave everything running on auto-pilot with a good DMCA ignore host. DMCA ignore usually translates to ignoring all court orders except those originating from the country where the server is located, but even that can be ignored by companies physically located elsewhere simply by using a different data center.

People including government officials have tried sending us documents in the past with deadlines (ex: you have 14 business days). Such documents usually do not come into our possession until after the “deadline” has expired due largely to the simple fact that we never go to the post office more than once every month or two. On top of that our post office regularly delivers mail to the wrong boxes (see proof), so there is a good chance if you mail us a court order it will be delivered to some random stranger.

We do not respond to such things anymore. There was a time when we would try to work with government officials to resolve complaints, but government agencies repeatedly abused our generosity, so we revoked their privileges. The government knew that they were engaged in a course of conduct that would probably lead to the revocation of cooperative privileges and continued anyway. As a result, we had to choose between legitimizing their efforts with our cooperation or fighting. We chose to fight and so did they. In so doing they burnt their bridges.

We do not honor “orders” from courts outside of the country within whose borders the website is physically located unless the “order” is sufficient to establish that an observation made my our bot is in fact a false positive or in the case of comments a TOU violation that by itself would qualify the content for removal. Keep in mind however that there are some types of content that we do not tolerate under any circumstances and if your “order” establishes that the content in question qualifies then we will treat it the same as we would treat it if those facts were established any other way. The country where the server is physically located can be found in our TOU. Doing otherwise would cripple our assets while creating unnecessary expenses. It would also legitimize courts in countries that lack a legitimate government. Countries like the United States where its citizens have been stripped of protections they are entitled to under the Bill of Rights by centuries of unconstitutional legislation and court decisions that could not have been made by anyone that swore an oath to uphold the Constitution without breaking that oath.

Our position is necessary to combat forum shopping, strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP), and due process violations. Forum shopping takes place when a plaintiff chooses a forum more favorable to them either because local laws favor their position or the defendant lacks the ability to defend a suit in that location. SLAPP lawsuits are designed to force a defendant to choose between censorship and the expenses of defending the lawsuit. Due process violations take place when courts issue “orders” that if honored would deny someone liberty (ex: the ability to speak) or property (ex: a web page) before a jury renders a verdict. Even a jury verdict is not necessarily proof that someone did anything wrong due to courts lacking checks and balances sufficient to prevent juries from voting with their hearts instead of their minds. Any court that entrusts decisions as important as those made by juries to people too stupid to get out of jury duty cannot possibly be relied upon to produce accurate results. These concerns would not exist if courts upheld the First and Fifth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution literally as they were written in 1791.