Did not tell me that they had herpes. He is sleeping with several women. I did not know until I took test and he admitted he gave it to me.
Reports of people with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) posts online by users as warning for potential sexual partners. Content in this category is sourced exclusively from the original STD Registry.
Content from imitation registries may be found in the website monitoring section of this site.
Did not tell me that they had herpes. He is sleeping with several women. I did not know until I took test and he admitted he gave it to me.
I was given herpes he did not tell me. I was tested and came out positive. I confronted him and he told me he gave me herpes. He should not
He gave me herpes and did not tell me he had it. He is sleeping with several women. After I found out I had herpes and asked him he admitted
Tyler Rose is a Brisbane escort who performs under the name of Tyler Mathews and he gave me and my partner Herpes 2 AND Hepatitis C, LYING ABOUT HIS STD
He has HSV 2 that was confirmed through laboratory test and failed to disclose it to sexual partners. He is knowingly infecting multiple women. His HSV 2 lab result came
I am reporting that I am unsure if I have HIV. I frequent Gloryholes in Portland often times swallowing strangers cum and drinking their pee. I never make them wear
Jamie newman , has hpv and hsv1 . She has knowingly has not informed any of her past and current partners. She has sexcapades by going to concerts and raves
Inese Mitenberga. Escort from Riga Latvia. was caught being a sugarbaby, escort , marriage breaking sidechick to men ranging from age 30 to 48. She advertises herself as a single
Failed to disclose he was infected when he engaged in anal sex. Failed to disclose he was infected when he engaged in anal sex. Failed to disclose he was infected
I dated this guy for 2 1/2 years. Was honest about cold sores but he lied about having genital herpes. He is an alcoholic and gets black out drunk almost