Category: Social

We monitor social media for comments indicating that someone might have admitted to having a STD or may have accused someone else of having one.

@eccehomowear: New Prevention & Testing Center for #Refugees and #Immig...

@eccehomowear: New Prevention & Testing Center for #Refugees and #Immig…@eccehomowear: New Prevention & Testing Center for #Refugees and #Immig…

New Prevention & Testing Center for #Refugees and #Immigrants👓😊Each purchase helps us support @positivevoicegr with their work with #HIV/#AIDS in #Greece👉🏽🏳️‍⚧️#WearYourTrueColors🏳️‍🌈#queerbrand #CSR #queerunderwear #queerfashion — 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Ecce Homo 👙🩲