Wall St LOVES @GileadSciences CEO Daniel O’Day. Main St? Not so much. Under his ‘leadership’ #GreedyGilead continues their relentless greed, showing that he really cares far more about shareholders than
Our monitoring department monitors websites and social media for indications of infections.
Wall St LOVES @GileadSciences CEO Daniel O’Day. Main St? Not so much. Under his ‘leadership’ #GreedyGilead continues their relentless greed, showing that he really cares far more about shareholders than
Just do what’s right‼️CEO Daniel O’Day made over $19 MILLION in 2021! Yet @GileadSciences refuses to offer the #340B discount for #HIV drugs and abuses 340B to earn higher profits
COVID CAUSES ORGAN DAMAGE & INFLAMMATION!It’s no mystery why there are post-Covid cases of MYOCARDITIS (heart inflammation)HEPATITIS (liver inflammation)TONSILITIS etc! It’s #SARS2! All need to ADMIT it & AVOID INFECTION
@SenTedCruz wants to expose service members to Adenovirus Hepatitis A & B Influenza Measles Mumps Rubella Meningococcal Poliovirus Tetanus-DiphtheriaVaricella Anthrax Haemophilus influenzae type B Japanese encephalitis Pneumococcal Rabies Smallpox Typhoid
There are more than 40 #HPV types that can infect the genital areas of men and women, including the skin of the penis, vulva, and anus, and the linings of
#Diseases and complications related to viral hepatitis and alcohol are the main reason for seeking specialist advice. More than two billion people have been infected with hepatitis B virus at
Today is International Day of Education! 📚#Education offers a route out of discrimination and stigma for many children and adolescents living with #HIV. We need to make sure they are
The study also found spike proteins expressed on the surface of the liver cells that researchers say may be targeted by the immune system and possibly cause autoimmune hepatitis,as there
The video Shows Eritrea🇪🇷Soldier deliberately cutting down Papaya fruit Trees as part of the #TigrayGenocide agenda of Killing Tigrayans by all means. Killing, massacring, rape and gang raping with HIV
Our society still have so much discrimination and stigmatization to people living with HIV/AID’S, let’s all join hands and fight this problem in our country.@iasociety @AIDS_conference @gabbystern @UNAIDS @UNVTanzania @Amref_Worldwide