It’s really upsetting my family is all antivax and my mom and aunt thought it would turn us into sex fiends…My grandma got HPV from their cheating dad…Like cmon people
Our monitoring department monitors websites and social media for indications of infections.
It’s really upsetting my family is all antivax and my mom and aunt thought it would turn us into sex fiends…My grandma got HPV from their cheating dad…Like cmon people
People who have Chlamydia often don’t show outward symptoms in the early stages. Hence, it is important to check yourself before you come down with it. @DEMYHEALTH we offer Chlamydia
“Pope Francis praised church workers in Africa ‘who strive diligently to educate people in the area of sexual responsibility and chastity’ with the aim of preventing HIV and AIDS (lmao).
This is the most irresponsible, blame shirking indifference that has ever been witnessed by mankind in history. Millions of children died. Big Pharma was dosing healthy babies with HIV drugs
The use of antiretrovirals in pregnant persons living with HIV continues to be of critical public health significance. In this review article published in the @NEJM, we discuss the adverse
Health researchers Drs. @darshinigov @akaida @NwabiJamaShai are studying impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health, social + economic well-being of both South African children + adolescents living with HIV,
Diamond claim she so “loyal” because she won’t name drop the bitch who told her that my man had Chlamydia. 🙄 But she was so quick to throw Reginald under
Peer-to-peer support group for individuals or families living with HIV/AIDS, newly diagnosed to long-term survivors.#hiv #hivsupport #supportgroup #aids#hivawareness #hivpositive #hivaids #gay #hivprevention #prep #health #aidsawareness #lgbt #lgbtq #hivtesting #std
Living a Full Life as a Performer, Facilitator and Latinx Trans Woman with #HIV A dancer, Lisa Isadora Cruz ages w/ HIV by helping others in her community.Read about Lisa
Don’t. Fucking. Test. Me. *House theme starts playing* “Wilson, you have HPV.” *House picks up a large metal trash bin and hurls it across the room, hitting chase directly in