Jerry Fruente from Brooklyn NY is an STD maniac. He has every STI and even married his FAT SHIT sister, Melissa Fruente. He is also a known drug dealer dealing Cocaine and Heroine based drugs. He and his sister Melissa Fruente deal in and around NYC institutions. #jerryfruente #hivandaids #brooklyn #newyork
Shaylynne Cardinal, Shaye Monias, SLUT, WHORE, FISHY PUSSY, COCKSUCKER, OILFIELD WHORE WIFE, LOOSE ASSHOLE, CREE WHORE, MONIAS, CARDINAL, Jules your wife is a slutty whore, and everybody is going to
jessica march, HIV and AIDS in woodstock, Illinois she has aids and is spreding it to and guy who justifys women and belittles them #jessicamarch #hivandaids #woodstock #illinois Published at