Sean Boeger is a jew and a POW from the Persian Gulf war where he was one of the few, the proud, an Iraqi POW of Saddam Hussein. This pussy got infected with syphyllus from an unknown source, and spread it to his entire platoon. What a fool. #seanboeger #hivandaids #stamford #connecticut
Brenda Hughes, Genital Herpes in Tulsa, Oklahoma She confessed that she got the disease from a boyfriend without him telling her.She felt that she was entitled to infect as many
Infection Alert! Roseville, California: JILLIAN Jones I dated Miss Jillian Jones (Formerly Jillian Quist)for 5 months and it was never mentioned. I just found out in the last week and
I am one of the people infamous Sardi of cryptocurrency fame DMed. At the time, I didn't realize the extent of Sardi's maliciousness. . I've only known her as Sardi