khalid abdul wali, from syracuse, new york married jailhouse muslim convert has HSV 1 and 2 did not disclose status this guy is a liar, a cheat and a thief carry std’s but will not tell you this man is a woman beater, scrap metal thief in the city of charlotte in north carolina this man is an irresponsible triffling bum with bad credit no home of his own and carry’s std’s. #khalidabdulwali #genitalwarts #charlotte #northcarolina
Carl Jackson, HIV and AIDS in Little Rock, Arkansas Carl Jackson Jr of Little Rock, Arkansas was arrested after spitting HIV infected blood at police officers while screaming about being
Outbreak Alert! Richardson, Texas: SirDarius Kentrell Johnson He goes by Dee short for Darius. He knowingly is infecting women in Dallas and else where. He will lie to you and
Ryan Graham, Genital Herpes in Vsncouver, Washington I was celibate for more than a decade before this "encounter". At the very least, it’s date rape; and he knowingly infected me.