Outbreak Detected! niagara, Ontario: Isabella elizibeth bella alexander
By federalfuckerbaboon face piece of sh1t mutt B1tch is so fuking pathetic. Her and her hood rat opioid addicted boyfriend seem to get arrested and their sh1tty dive home raided by cops on a regular basis. Possession of Meth,crck, op1oids oxys, etc.. . She tries to convince everyone that its ok tho because its all personal use for her pathetic piece of sh1t drug addicted chug boyfriend. But we all know the truth smelly Melly.. youre both lowlife hood rats with no jobs or future and thats why you sell drugs. Your skanky SmellyCrckfans only page is hurtn so bad. Who the fuk would pay money to look at your stretched out sloppy mit!? hahahaha you fuking cvnt!! Anyone who is friends, follows, or supports Melanie Stank Box Rope is also a #isabellaelizibethbellaalexander #genitalwarts #niagara #ontario
Source: Outbreak Detected! niagara, Ontario: Isabella elizibeth bella alexander