STD Monitor News Health Benefits Of Sugarcane Juice

Health Benefits Of Sugarcane Juice

benefits of sugarcane juice

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On a dry day, grabbing a glass of freshly crushed cane juice yields the elixir of life every time. Sugarcane juice only helps you taste the paradise on earth, satiating every bit of your thirst on a scorching day and, to some extent, even your mind, and we completely understand why a glass of sugarcane juice is your first call on a tiring day. But if we think it all ends with the refreshing, sweet taste, we are mistaken. We’ve rarely looked beyond the freshness in the glass to the actual benefits of sugarcane juice.

Nutrition Information Of Sugarcane Juice
Health Benefits Of Sugarcane Juice
Energy Booster
Improves Digestion
Helps Fight Cancer
Prevents Aging
Immunity Booster
Balances The Body’s pH Levels
Maintains Kidney Health
Alleviates Pain Associated With STDs And UTIs
Keeps Bad Breath And Tooth Decay At Bay
Helps Cure Acne

Nutrition Information Of Sugarcane Juice

Nutrition information of Sugarcane Juice
Image: Shutterstock

The popular summer drink is low in fat and cholesterol and high in salt, potassium, and magnesium, which meet all of the requirements for a healthy digestive system. Sugarcane juice, which contains calcium, helps to strengthen teeth and bones. The presence of antioxidants and minerals benefits the immune system.

Health Benefits Of Sugarcane Juice

Health Benefits of Sugarcane Juice

Sugarcane juice, which is high in vital nutrients, is thought to provide incredible health benefits to the body. One of the most unknown characteristics of sugarcane juice is that it aids in stress reduction, and the others are as follows. Here are some of the key benefits of drinking sugarcane juice.

Energy Booster

Sugarcane is a natural Energy Booster
Image: Shutterstock

Sucrose, the primary source of human energy, is naturally found in sugarcane. It helps in treating low sugar levels and thus improves your energy levels by normalising the release of glucose in our bodies. It replenishes your body’s hydration levels while also reducing fatigue and stress.

Pro tip: A glass of sugarcane juice with your morning meal will undoubtedly keep you energised throughout the day. You can also substitute freshly crushed cane juice for coffee while working for the much-needed energy boost without negative side effects.

Also Read – 6 Caffeine-Free Alternatives For An Energy Boost In The Morning

Improves Digestion

Sugarcane Juice Improves Digestion
Image: Shutterstock

Among the numerous benefits of sugar cane juice, the potassium content of the refreshing beverage is among the most significant. It improves digestive health by balancing the stomach’s pH levels and promoting the production of digestive juices. Constipation sufferers are saved by the presence of fibre because it keeps the digestive tract clean.

Pro tip: A sugarcane tonic can be used for medicinal purposes. It can be prepared by boiling sugarcane juice with fresh ginger and a dash of lemon juice.

Learn about the 5 effective home remedies for constipation here.

Helps Fight Cancer

Sugarcan Juice Helps Fight Cancer
Image: Shutterstock

Sugarcane juice is naturally alkaline and boosts the body’s immunity due to high levels of calcium, manganese, iron, potassium, and magnesium. As a result of the Flavonoid being one of the vital nutrients in the drink, it strengthens the body’s defence against malignant cells that cause cancer.

Pro tip: Drinking a glass of sugarcane juice at least three times per week has been shown to improve overall immunity.

Prevents Aging

Sugarcane Juice Prevents Aging
Image: Shutterstock

Glycolic acid is a new obsession in the world of skincare ingredients, and much to our surprise, it is present in Sugarcane juice, making it easier to achieve radiance and combat fine lines, wrinkles, and overall skin aging. The presence of antioxidants, flavonoids, and phenolic acid supports sugarcane juice’s true skin benefits. It deeply moisturises the skin, making it soft and supple.

Pro tip:
You can always incorporate sugarcane juice into your beauty routine by making a simple DIY mask, but nothing beats incorporating it into your diet. For a change, try it with yogurt!

Immunity Booster

Sugarcane Juice is an Immunity Booster
Image: Shutterstock

The benefits of vitamin C in terms of improving immunity are well known, and its abundance in sugarcane juice makes it immune-boosting. The presence of various antioxidants and vitamins, in addition to vitamin C, combats liver and digestive system problems. Sugarcane juice can help to neutralise high levels of bilirubin production in some cases.

Pro Tip: Sugarcane juice can be made into a tasty drink by combining it with healthy ingredients such as mint, lime juice, and ginger. Despite the delicious taste, the ingredients combined can make the drink a perfect immunity booster.

Balances The Body’s pH Levels

Sugarcane Juice Balances The Body’s pH Levels
Image: Shutterstock

An alkaline composition enhances the benefits of sugarcane juice by catering to the drink’s neutralising potency. It helps to maintain the body’s acid-base balance, which aids in acid resistance. It also regulates the pH levels of the digestive tracts.

Pro tip: Including sugarcane juice in your diet can serve as a natural remedy with no negative side effects. Consider drinking a glass of freshly crushed sugarcane juice every day to keep your body pH levels healthy and balanced.

Maintains Kidney Health

Sugarcane Juice Maintains Kidney Health
Image: Shutterstock

Sugarcane juice is a powerful diuretic that is high in antioxidants, so it helps keep the kidneys healthy and prevents conditions like kidney stones and uti. This aids in the treatment of health issues such as kidney infections and urinary tract infections.

Pro tip: If you have kidney disease, it is recommended that you drink a glass of sugarcane juice every day after consulting with your doctor.

Alleviates Pain Associated With STDs And UTIs

Sugarcane Juice Alleviates Pain Associated With STDs And UTIs
Image: Shutterstock

One of the many advantages of sugarcane juice is its anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, it aids in the relief of pain associated with urinary tract infections and STDs. The diuretic properties aid in the removal of toxins from the tract, resulting in healing.

Pro tip: If you have a UTI or STD, drink a glass of sugarcane juice diluted with coconut water and a few drops of lime juice. It is known to boost the diuretic properties of the drink. Despite its beneficial properties, it should only be consumed on the advice of a doctor.

Also Read – Handy Home Remedies For Treating Urinary Tract Infections

Keeps Bad Breath And Tooth Decay At Bay

Sugarcane Juice Keeps Bad Breath And Tooth Decay At Bay
Image: Shutterstock

Sugarcane juice is often mistaken for a catalytic in the occurrence of cavity due to its sweet taste, but due to its high mineral and antioxidant content, it aids in the prevention of bad breath. Other nutrients, such as vitamin C, phosphorous, and high calcium levels, help to strengthen teeth and protect against tooth decay and cavities.

Pro tip: Consuming sugarcane juice in its purest form is the best way to combat bad breath and tooth decay. A glass of fresh sugarcane juice at least three times per week is sufficient to protect your dental health.

Also Read – How to keep dental and oral problems at bay

Helps Cure Acne

Sugarcane Juice Helps Cure Acne
Image: Shutterstock

Sugarcane juice has the ability to treat skin conditions such as acne by accelerating cell turnover with the benefits of alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) such as Glycolic acid. When applied topically, it can be an excellent exfoliating scrub for the skin, removing dirt and oil buildup that causes acne.

Pro tip: Make a simple DIY face pack out of sugarcane juice by combining it with gram flour or Fuller’s earth. After fifteen minutes, wash it off with clean water. Apply this mask at least once a week for at least a month to see visible results.


Q. Is it good to drink sugarcane juice every day?
A. It is recommended to consume sugarcane juice no more than three times per week; otherwise, sugar levels may increase.

Q. What happens when you daily drink sugarcane juice?
A. Due to the high sugar content of the juice, the side effects may include an increase in blood sugar when consumed on a regular basis. It can have negative health effects if the person’s energy expenditure does not exceed their energy intake.

Q. Who should not drink sugarcane juice?
A. People with diabetes who are taking blood-thinning medications should avoid drinking sugarcane juice during meditation, as the policosanol in the juice inhibits blood clotting.

Q. Is sugarcane juice good for skin?
A. Sugarcane juice is beneficial to the skin because it contains AHAs, Glycolic Acid, and vitamin C.

Q. What is the best time to drink sugarcane juice?
A. The optimal time to consume fruits and fruit juices is in the hours before sunset.

Also Read – Benefits Of Sugarcane Juice For Hair, Skin And Health

Discovered on: 2022-11-25 15:09:05

Source: Health Benefits Of Sugarcane Juice


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