STD Monitor News “Syphilis Scares Us, But Most Dangerous STIs Are Asymptomatic”

“Syphilis Scares Us, But Most Dangerous STIs Are Asymptomatic”

"Syphilis Scares Us, But Most Dangerous STIs Are Asymptomatic"

las sexually transmitted infections The state has grown by 84 per cent in just five years. This follows a report made public by the company Cegedim Health Data Spain. HIV has increased by 343 percent, chlamydia by 140 percent, genital herpes by 59 percent, human papillomavirus (HPV) by 45 percent and syphilis by 43 percent.

And the reasons are obvious: People have lost their fear of STDs, which has led to a reduction in precautionary measures, This is stated by the gynecologist Jose Luis Nero, who points to several factors that cause the figures to skyrocket.

And the first is “Society Doesn’t See STDs as Deadly”, In fact, he defended that “the presence of AIDS did a great favor to sexually transmitted diseases, as it warned that one could die from it”, which significantly reduced infections worldwide. However, “retrovirals did just the opposite,” he says. He turned an unknown disease into a chronicle, “and he stopped talking about it, and saw it as something deadly.”

“Society no longer sees STDs as something fatal, and this has created a fear of losing them”

Jose Luis Nero – gynecologist

Also, in addition to the loss of the fear of death and gravity, the doctor focuses on invisible STIs. which do not show any warning signs. “The most dangerous are asymptomatic,” he says.

“From when you get HIV until you get sick, it can take years. And when you catch the most common STIs, like the papillomavirus, you don’t even know about it, some for years.” Does not happen.” For this reason, he cautions that “If you don’t go to the gynecologist and you don’t have the good fortune to have genital warts, nothing can happen in 7 years and you may have cancer”,

So, it gives an example that it comes up in the query. “When you give a woman a diagnosis of syphilis, she holds her head in her hands, but there is a cure.” and that’s because it causes a sore or ulcer“He Goes To The Doctor, And He Gets Well”, For this reason, those most at risk are those who are asymptomatic, without symptoms, causing harm remotely. Papilloma virus, Hepatitis B and A, HIV…

lack of education

According to Dr. Nero, the epidemic, and its consequences on the mental health of the population, is another factor that has led to an increase in STIs. And it is that “people throw themselves into compensation in the short term, and the most enjoyable and fun is sex. People have changed their habits and their range of frequency and the way they form relationships”, he defends.

In addition, it ensures that the sexuality among teenagers is changing. “Access to pornography is very easy, and that means they have sexual habits that didn’t exist before.” All of these factors, combined with a lack of adequate health education, “bring up the data,” he insists. And it sure remains widespread ignorance about STIs today.

“Access to pornography is very easy, and it changes sexual habits”

Jose Luis Nero

And give a graphic example. “The other day I vaccinated a 21-year-old boy for human papillomavirus. I asked him what his friends told him and he told me they thought he was crazy because he was from girls. Actually, remember when years ago When the vaccination campaign was started, it was said that it was only for 13 year old girls who they didn’t have sex, And according to Dr. Nero, it made him think that if you had sex you couldn’t give it to yourself, if you were older and if you were a boy it wasn’t for you.

And the same goes for gay women. According to the doctor, “more than five lesbian women have told me they don’t need vaccinations because they haven’t had relationships with men.” “There is no awareness of the need for coverage among homosexuals, but women can transmit HTV, herpes, hepatitis B, hepatitis A…”.

On the other hand, it refers to ignorance About the precautions to be taken. “You have to use three male condoms and one female condom to avoid STIs. One for the vagina, one for the anus, one for the vagina and one for the fellatio. When I say this, they look at me like I’m crazy, but it’s important to know that STIs are transmitted through oral sex,” he emphasizes.

annual Review

Plus, doctors remember that HPV can trigger cancer, warns about the consequences of sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia. “Despite being asymptomatic, it can damage the tubes and cause infertility.” For this reason, he stresses the need to have check-ups and take precautions: “Safety measures, annual visits to the gynecologist, and health education, are what are needed,” Dr. Nero says.

Discovered on: 2022-09-10 22:28:53

Source: “Syphilis Scares Us, But Most Dangerous STIs Are Asymptomatic”


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