If only I had known…. I'm not the first person he sexually abused, manipulated.
Guy Luongo is sick. He goes thru paranoid episodes where he becomes extremely abusive . He truly seems to feel the world is out to get him.
Guy Luongo is a predator.
He has raped me, he has physically abused me, he has recorded me without consent in his bedroom.
He is a sex addict when his dick gets to the point of over use and he can not function he becomes violent, abusive, belligerent. When told no he forces himself, raped me. With the way he treats women, is it possible he doesn't like women? He has an obsession/compulsion for anal sex.
His religious personality (one of many) is a scam.
Do not believe his manipulative tactics. #gaetanomluongoguyluongo #hepatitisc #williamstown #newjersey
Source: Infection Detected! Williamstown , New Jersey: Gaetano M Luongo Guy Luongo
Infection Detected! Williamstown , New Jersey: Gaetano M Luongo Guy Luongo

not workin hes buys in camden with lil girl w dark hair just driving around all fed with kid
his target market to rip off lonely older women no confidence to give him money then on to thenext
return the silver necklace you stole w/ the kinda sphere charm onit mofo
he need to return the mens gold rope chain and charm he stole from the mans house you were in after the meeting