Has slept with a different women every week of his 21 years of marriage. Some of the women did NOT give consent. If you don’t give him what he wants he will take it from you. He has even slept with escorts and hookers in the past. He can become violent and argumentative. #brucepollock #genitalherpes #houston #texas
Andrea aka Moneik Martinez , Genital Herpes in Vista, California Gos by the name of Moneik on OBC. Meet her online and fuckked on the 1 day and got herpes
Joel Crow, Genital Warts in Tallahassee, Florida Joel Crow has HPV, and he will not tell you. He’ll tell you it’s a hair bump, but do not be fooled. HPV
Amy Moore, Genital Herpes in Cape Coral, Florida Contracted Herpes. Does not inform everyone she has sex with. Not sure if there are any other STD’s but this one is